Some of the staff in the finance department, who've been working late nights and weekends, are getting tired of it all. Being highly unappreciated and working for no extra pay and working with unreasonable bosses who scream profanities, is more than any normal human being can stand. There are some special people out there who I call SUPERWORKERS! They withstand the hailstorm everyday just to help out their friends. Its quite amazing really.
But I have utmost respect for one small lady who left O3 recently. She suffered enough and being small hasn't stopped her from standing up to the bosses. Wonderful! She had been battered with painful remarks and unrelenting insults. I'm so glad she has left. She was asked to stay for a while but becuase she was not confirmed by this company, she took the opportunity to make her life better and left the day she resigned.
Brilliant stuff. I do not believe in letting other step all over us. We must be wise in whom we keep company...and the O3 environment is the worst company to be in.
Another 'small' but super hardworking lady in O3 factory is also resigning. She has slogged day and night for the company, sacrificing so much of her time and energy only to 'deserve' this: her half month salary was being held by the boss b'cos she decided to quit. Of course this happen sooooooo many times in O3 history I had lost count.
I congratulate those who have chosen the right path. As for those whom under certain circumstances are forced to stay in O3, I convey my deepest sympathy. May God be with you.
1-week: i urge the lady whom wizard of o3 refers to in his post to write a letter to Uberbaus and request she receives her due pay. she should also duplicate a copy of this letter for the ministry of manpower. please do not let Uberbaus get away with half a month's worth of free labor after all a person's sacrifaced and suffered for o3.
also, congratulations to both ladies for leaving the stress-inducing, life-sucking o3 enviroment! :-)
This is my first comment and I have been with O3 for many years so I would believe that I know the bosses very very well and how they deal with staff as I been the executioner for many years. Writing a letter to the Uberbaus and CCing it to MOM will do NO GOOD. The Uberbaus would then list out the list of issues which he deems as failure of duty during that person's tenure with the company. Frankly who would the MOM side? Been there done that by many to no avail... My honest opinion is to speak to the Uberbaus politely and ask for it. Wait be patient. I got all my due salary plus full bonuses after I have left the company. On time banked into my account. It is knowing how to manage the O3 bosses... To those that can tell who I am then drop me a text message and will share more with you..
Freedom~~~~ Enjoying my freedom after becoming one of the Ex-O3bers.
No more pores, no more panda eyes... Proved that O3 Environment is a highly cytotoxic place!!
I believed I chose the right path... ^_^
you mean some of you actually tried the authority? it was a complete waste of time, i'm guessing. mind sharing your experiences with me? thanks
1-week to the scarred one: i will soon!
I must admit that working in O3 is extremely stressful and you would have no life... You would be facing on a daily basis unreasonable requests and barrage of insults to yourself and family and all things that no employee should ever face in any company..
However upon leaving, I have realized that I have also gained alot during my tenure with O3... I have came out a very more stronger and capable person who would be able to take any thing straight in the face and learn to turn around any bad situation..
I know this post may seem pro O3 and the bosses but at times we need to look at the other side and see what we have gained as well..
I am now pursing a SGD 200,000 per annum senior management position with a major US MNC and the headhunters and directors have commented that there is a calm and maturity in me that belies my young age... This has come from the years in O3.. I have gained on the whole..
I know people may ostracise me for sounding pro O3 but these are my comments and my feelings and nobody can say otherwise even if it is against what most people feel.
I have suffered all the injustice that everyone has went thru when I first joined the company as a junior staff... O3 was way worse 6 to 7 years ago...
To those that have left, I wish you all the best in your future endeavours and those remaining behind please learn as much as you can and do not allow your tenure to be one totally of misery and hardship..
It is interesting to read so many different reactions to the work that we do and what we when through in O3. I am glad to hear that EVERYONE I know feels happier after they've left O3.
Whether its a higher, more justified pay scale or a job with better benefits or a life that is more fulfilling with family and friends, we've all gained.
Of course it doesn't mean we should appreciate O3 for what it is...I think that it means we should appreciate how to learn from life's experiences. O3 is still a nasty place but thankfully and hopefully we all come out stronger than when we first joined.
Yes one thing is certain that everyone that has left O3 has come out a happier person... And all I hope is that you have also learnt and become stronger.. This is life! Many many more things that will come our way that will shadow the hardship and injustice at O3.. Seems like nothing when your very health and life is threatened.. It is all relative. All of us need to let go of our demons and move forward...
the " small " and super hardworking lady is sitting next time right now. This web is brilliant ! and thank you wizard for the greatest simpathy that you gave us ! I am not ready to bask.
Thumbs up!
Total damage this week: 6 ppl.
Some things never change... Doubt they are senior staff..
I still think that being in O3 is NOT AT ALL a blessing. He is nasty, he throws insults and he swears. I strongly believe that there are other ways of gaining maturity. I believe that thereare other people who are pursing $200,000 p.a. and they are as capable as you and they did not go through nasty experiences in O3. Hereby, I'd like to remind you all, there ARE choices, there ARE alternatives, there are OTHER PATHS which lead to success.
This entry sure did spawn comments eh?
I congratulate the 6 who have decided to start afresh!!!
Yes, I agree that while O3 isn't 100% evil, it is definitely a textbook model of how NOT to run a business. Conversely, it is a model of how to run a business that does not care about its people. Anyway, everyone learnt their own things from that place, even if it is just to never join a company where the CEO hires you on the spot. Ha!
And I hope for freedom of self, mind and family, of all those still remaining in there...
1-week: i am sincerely glad that some of o3-bers have benefited from their o3 working experiences and some a lot more than others, but i personally also don’t feel that suffering builds character.
wow, this entry has 15 comments to date including mine! :-p
Hi guys! fyi, the "small" and super-hardworking lady in O3 factory eventually got her half month salary back from the O3 boss.
16 comments already!!!
My point I am trying to make is simple. At times we are thrown into situations that are really nasty but I always believe that is is necessary to draw strength and to make the best out of it. In life, there are many things that SHOULD BE but they are not. Why do parents maim their own children to beg and feed the rest of their 8 in the family in India? Is this right? If the mother does not do it then the entire family dies.
Do we spend our times complaining about it and pursue the right way all the time? Sometimes we are thrown into situations that we have to just make the best of it. I have no doubt that there are other people that have gotten a 200k position from other ways but unfortunately I DID NOT have that benefit but I came out stronger..
All I am doing is letting my demons go and make my own way... I make the choice to leave the company didn't I?
Oh and no way am I encouraging people to stay in the company as they would all come up and be successful just because they went thru hell.. To each his own.
Remember everyone is entitled to their views and there is no right or wrong.
Nothing here said is personal unless you want it to be..
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