Lately I heard that Uberbaus' wife was having trouble. Was is due to the fact that production at the factory is unable to keep up with the orders that the O3 sales team keeps pushing through? Or that the equipment at the factory is cheap, lousy and constantly breaksdown making things all the more worse? Or that important staff are leaving causing payments to be late and slow, frustrating everyone including the suppliers? Or that Uberbaus himself is beginning to travel alot lately leaving his wife behind to fight the problems? Or that............
Whatever it is, I am always amused that O3 is alive and kicking. The mechanics of it all is amazing, don't you think?
As long as the Holy Trinity is around, O3 would never die... Struggle it will but it would not perish...
I do not believe that the O3 will not perish. Its just the usual rule that applies; The bigger they are, the harder they fall. And you can interpret 'harder' both ways too.
I blame the competition.
They will just scale back the business and run it on a smaller basis if things turn back but they would not perish in my opinion.
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