I just found out that one of our O3-er has just given the Uberbaus 'The Birdie" and day later, got a job offer. Really glad to hear good news like this. Really made my day, at 9.00 am in the morning!
I still remember that day I got my 'WINGS'', or rather, news that I'll be getting my "WINGS". I guess I've been in the O3 for too long, went to countless interviews, and yes, taken countless MCs to go for interviews, when news of the offer hit me, I had to pinch myself numerous times to be sure that it's really happening. I guess it's when you want something so bad, when it finaly comes, you wonder if it's a dream or it has actually happened! It took a while for the news to sink in. When it finally did, I was punching the air like a mad man! When I finally signed on the dotted line, I immediately emailed the Uberbaus "The Birdie" and then followed up with a hard copy in the morning. I guess I'm one of the fortunate ones who was able to 'escape' outta the O3 a week earlier without the Uberbaus breathing down my neck for this and that, and not getting piled up with work the day I gave him "The Birdie". I had to pay my way out for the 'Get Out of Jail Early" pass though. But it's worth it even if we have to pay it outta our own pocket. I'm blessed cos my company paid for the 'Pass'.
Really hope to hear more 'Prison Break' stories from the O3 soon! Shalom!
Indeed, I would love to hear more stories about how people escape or even how people suffer. Hopefully, in sharing your misery, you feel a bit better having vented it off. If there are any out there who wants to contribute as author (as Blessed One) just ask!
1-week: i totally know what u mean! there was an advertisement on the classified recruit of a job opportunity which i knew was meant for me. ok ok, i just plain wanted it very, very badly. anyways, i passed a test on monday. i went through a 1-day internship today and will start work tomorrow! i luv the fixed hours too! :-p
the grass IS greener out of o3!
Hi Anonymous,
Glad to hear that u've gotten ur "Get Out Of Jail" pass. Indeed, the grass is definitely greener outside of the O3, no doubt about that.
I'm the latter case The Blessed One was referring to in his posting. I couldn't stand Uberbaus, so I gave him the "Birdie" b4 I signed on any dotted line. (no regrets though, cos few weeks later I got my dream job).
I considered myself lucky cos I made a very speedy exit from O3 environment (without any "get out of jail pass"). How did I do it? I went MIA for 2 days after I gave Uberbaus the Birdie. Uberbaus and spouse called me like mad but I simply ignored their calls. Eventually they became very annoyed. On day 3 after my MIA, Uberbaus sent me a sms: "I don't want to see you ever again". I replied him: "OK" and never shown my face in O3 environment since. In my heart I was screaming "FREEEEEEDOM" (like Mel Gibson did in movie "BraveHeart").
Not a very graceful exit, but at least I didn't have to "kena tekan" like other ex-O3-bers who served their 1 month "hell" time.
Warning: for O3-bers who are still suffering in O3 environment, pls make sure that you received paycheck b4 you go MIA.
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