For those blessed few, here's how it goes: A boy in excitement knocks the inclined table on which Piggy was perched precariously upon. I am sure that the fact that Piggy holds the boy's fortune in his fragile body has absoultely nothing to do with Piggy's predicament.
While Piggy is walking the green mile, Mio goes about organising a rescue. Calling upon each and every member in the team (except herself of course). The telephone flung its phone cord to try to pull Piggy to safety. The mobile cell set even tried to stop Piggy from falling by putting himself in front of Piggy to push him, risking certain death from impact. In the end, it was the laptop which caught Piggy. All these occurs under the incessant instructions of Mio, which did nothing watsoever to Piggy's aid.
The whole ad ended with everybody praising Mio for the rescue and her trying to brush it off as a teamwork. Damn! It exactly the same thing in the company, everybody in the background, losing sleep, risking their jobs to get something done. And when finally the project is a success, only the manager gets praised and the rewards. The rest of us praising him for his greatness of doing nothing. This is propagenda for a warped corporate reward system, join me in switching off your TVs when the ad is airing (I just know that it will win viewer's choice or something).
What's even creepier is that the "mIo" and the "Sony VAIO L" have the same voice!! Watch the ads and listen...
Sony VAIO L has A VOICE?! Genius, you gotta get a life, how do u notice such things?
Like you said... I gotta get a life...
Besides, geniuses sometimes notice strange things for no good rhyme nor reason. Its even weirder that we even let you know about it =P Just watch those crummy ads and you'll notice the similar style of cheap advertising as well as the same voice over.
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