It's been over 6 months since I left the O3 and since then, many things have happened. And as usual, many ppl have left, at least 10. And some of these are ppl whom I think are too 'valuable' for the Uberbaus let go' off. To me, these are really important ppl. But then again, the Uberbaus said before, I quote, “No one is irreplaceable, even me!” To think that he will even think of this is unimaginable, let alone for him to actually say it! Of course, what I think he really meant was that mini-boss (a exact replica of him, almost) will eventually take over the O3. However, come to think of it, I'm not sure how much of the O3 will be left with the kind of Vitamin M the mini-boss is spending. Most, if not all, of the ppl who left the O3 before or after me have gone to a much better place got a better pay and is truly appreciated for the work they put in. I would say that everywhere else is better than the O3. If anyone can stay at the O3 for at least 6 months, they will survive anywhere, everywhere else is heaven! But I have to say that the O3 is a fantastic 'training ground'!
Indeed, any organization no staff should be irreplaceable, if not they may end up getting 'ransomed' for more pay and benefits. But then again, if it allows all this talent to just walk out the door, it's basically digging it own grave. The amount of time and money spent on rehiring and retraining is never worth more than the knowledge and information that any staff gains from working in the organization I have to admit that the Uberbaus has the “talent” to find really good ppl to work for him. He is also able to squeeze the last bit of juice out from each individual one! The analogy I have is like extracting the juice out from sugar cane. You put it through larger roller with some grooves on it first to crack it, then u put it through narrower rollers to get the juice out, fold it into half or stack a few on top of the other and put them through again. The machine might rattle a little but it'll still squeeze them through. When all the juice is extracted, that is not the end of the cycle. The pulp then gets thrown into the furnace to cook or whatever. This is the best way to get the most out of sugar cane.
Of course, the O3-ers are the sugar cane, and the rollers are the UberBaus, the UberBitch and of coure the UberMiniBaus, in whatever order you want it. You could also take any of the above as the furnace. It's your choice. You know what I mean right?
1-week: o3 is hiring more suckers! i don't mean to disrespect the existing o3bers, i actually have profound respect for survivors of the o3 environment, i only mean you will never to get experience the benefits and prospects promised in the online post. o3 immensely prefers online job portals because it entails incredible cost savings with the high frequency to which Uberbaus makes posts.
o3 is looking for my replacement! the online post already has a prominent exclamation mark which prospective candidates should look into. that is the marketing executive doubles as the customer service executive and sales support executive. this is a new hiring strategy and i know because the previous one to hire a technical writer than dupe the 'stupid' -> (me) into taking on marketing co-ordinator role failed drastically, hence the alias '1-week' :-p
he neglected to add the most important job responsibility, which the marketing exec will be doing ~90% of the time in office. that is to print out emails and cut them into little annoying strips that are impossible to file and drop everywhere. when i first joined the company, i mistakenly and apologetically thought my senior predecessor was a major headcase for printing and cutting up all his emails into little strips of about 3 sentences each. solly billy!
on hindsight, maybe i should've applied to shipping executive position, the only position in Uberbaus's numerous job descriptions which promises 'intense job satisfaction'. any takers? no? there are transportation benefits too! invisible print: only for the brave and cunning, to the rest, be beady-eyeballed and wheedled out of your transportation allowance *Uberbaus smirk*.
at least, all the prospective shipping exec candidate has to do is add the sugarcane analogy and the job responsibility is more or less, or less or less there . o, minus the 'future advancement' point, what was i thinking.
"I cannot promise you job security but I can promise you employment security."
No shite!!!
once, a "partner" from India asked a question to Uberbaus, spouse and Uberminibaus (since they said they welcome any input, good or bad), "Maybe you would like to put someone who's worked for a long time to deal with me, because whenever I deal with new staff, I find trouble communicating with him/her because he/she doesn't really know what is happening"
I was like "okay... I'm about to see a show here..."
Uberbaus, spouse and Uberminibaus raised their heads, stopped clicking their mobiles, looked at each other, I held my breath.
Uberminibaus, (always) the swift one, said "Altough the old staff left, but have you experienced any decrease in the quality of our service????"
Uberbaus continued immediately, "We will ensure that your needs will be met, no matter what, you don't need to worry about our side."
Uberbaus spouse continued right after that, "The working culture in this country is different, people dare to simply change their job because the public transport is so convenient. It is easy to travel from one place to another...." (can't remember whatelse they said, I just went blank, I blocked out whatever I heard or I might shove their mobile up their ***)
then the "partner" went speechless, "..... err.... shall I move on?"
I love the excuses that they come up with. The public transport is so convenient excuse follows their "don't take taxi and help the company save money" notion.
That was hilarious!!!!! Man I wish I were there. I'd just burst out laughing!
1-week: ha ha ha ha. i read book of press clippings of the company that Uberbaus passed to me. Uberbaus was quoted in one of them whining that he had difficulty in retaining his employees because the job market in singapore is varied and high in demand for employees. no no Uberbaus, you have difficulty retaining your employees because your personality and management style is unacceptable, intolerable and warped. (Uberbaus) what were you thinking :-)
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