- Never sell change when you can demand it
- Humiliate your staff frequently --> Develop a varied arsenal of "looks" to master the subtle put-down. A well-placed sigh and a "that was dumb" stare can work wonders in silencing your people. ... When they react, just say:"Can't you take a joke with overreacting like most women do?"
- Tell them how useless they are
- Get personal --> ...When they miss a deadline, question their ability to handle responsibility.
- Make them feel lucky to still have a job
- Never give strategic direction until you have to
- When things go wrong, you know who to sacrifice
- Build your own corporate torture chamber --> Know how to schedule hours to produce maximum aggravation.
- Never give recognition --> It sets the stage for complacency. After all they are lucky they have a job.
- Use fear as a great motivator. --> ...make a scene by threatening their job on-the-spot. If you abuse them privately, there will be no witnesses...
*Article by motivational speaker Terry L Paulson*
I think the above is an excellent match to O3...right? The bosses have no idea how many sins they are committing as bad, no, lousy and downright awful managers.
1 comment:
that's really still happening at O3. Even now they don't have enough resources but still doing the same habbit. How many more o3-bers they want to sack / see them resigning? At the end only the holy trinity will remain to achieve their holy goal. Very sad actually that O3 can be a very successful company but The Uberbauz can't handle their people. O3 is just like a car without fuel.
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