This is a news article from
ChannelNewsAsia. I actually saw this on the news and I wonder what the other 1 in 4 Singaporeans are thinking?
Could they be satisfied with their bonuses? Just one look at the photo and you know they are taking the polls at the wrong place, I would probably guess that O3 is not located in Shenton.
A possible conversation between the poll-taker (PT) and a O3-ber (O3B) will be:
PT: Eh, er, 'scuse me ah sir... can ask you question not?
O3B: I don't want to buy, don't want to buy. I got insurance liao.
PT: No, no, ask you about your work can?
O3B: Orr... can can. I got a lot of thing to say about my work. Wa piang, you know ah today this ger hor so suay kana jia lat jia lat from boss leh. Then hor, the rest of us whole day don't dare go toilet...
PT: Yeah... so you happy with your annual bonus not?
O3B: ... bonus? Si mi bonus? Only boss got bonus lah, today I siam ah! Ah seng ah, tio fine ten dollar ah. Now eat peanut porridge crying in the corner there... that's why ah, tell him never listen, hide the money in the underwear! Sad case. Bo qiu.
PT: So you happy is it?
O3B: Yeah man. Today never got scolded happy man!
If the polls were taken in O3, they probably get at least 1 in 2 Singaporeans happy with bonus, wasted.