This year, I have spared myself the agnst of attending the D&D by simply having removed myself from O3 in January this year. The more recently parted though still managed to be invited for the D&D. We suspect it is to make up the dwindling numbers.
This year they have also changed the venue of the D&D and merged the factory D&D with the HQ D&D. Sounds like a good idea save for the fact that the venue is changed from a decent hotel in the city to a place on the island's factory.
Yes, the island. Let us reflect on the ISLAND: Some would postulate the possibility that Uberbaus simply wants to kidnap all the employees whilst on this foreign land. Others would say its just to make everyone sick from the mosquito bites and the food. Uberbaus has "promised" (WOW!) that he would provide nice accomodations for the HQ staff to stay over one night. Right...
Yes, the "promise". Let us reflect on the PROMISE: Uberbaus has promised to improve the accomodations of employees in that island for many months now but hardly anything has changed. Up to5 staff are squeezed into a room that was meant for 2! Beddings are infested with bedbugs and items are stolen half the time. Yes, the promise is only for Uberbaus and his family to stay in the resort like accomodations. The promise is for himself.
The last item up for discussion would be the LUCKY DRAW PRIZES. The Uberbaus shamelessly instructs the committee to scour the ground for vouchers. Unbeknowst to the well-meaning large companies who give tens of dollar or vouchers or sponsor digital cameras, the Uberbaus keeps these nice gifts for himself and then gets a worker to purchase household items like rice cookers and toasters as prizes. The vouchers are then used at the whim and fancy of Uberbaus to furnish the office or replace spoilt items. Digital cameras are then used to "bribe" goodwill from other staff or as gifts to foreigners to display Uberbaus' generousity.
Yah, last year, the top prize was supposed to be a cash prize...but instead it was transformed into a travel voucher of smaller value from O3's travel agent. Uberbaus was even witnessed to have ask a worker whether he could pay the guy's salary with vouchers instead.
You decide the shamelessness of his actions. You decide how many D&D's you want to attend at O3.
Why does this all sound so familiar... Wonder if staff have to buy their own boat tickets to the ISLAND... =)
Yeah. I remember the D&D we had. All but the last few prizes were 'pre-drawn' to make the process faster. Yah right! They are pre-drawn so you can determine who gets the big prizes and who gets the small prizes! It's all RIGGED! Most of us got prizes like bloody WET TISSUE! People who got decent prizes were all those that the Uberbaus likes! The irony is, all but one or 2 are left till now! Haha!!
The thing is, the gals who organised the D&D last year got to choose their own prizes. This also happened at the D&D at 'The Island'! Of course they have to act as if they were 'VERY SURPRISED' to win those prizes! DUH?!?! The uberbaus even 'GAVE' one of the managers at the factory a free night's stay at the Island Resort, specifically on the night of the D&D. This was so that he could be the designated driver for the organising gals! If the uberbaus genuinely wants to give away a night's resort stay, let the receiver choose when they want to use it! not specify the day!
I still remember squeezing in the dorms. The most ppl I remember was about about 27 ppl! The next dorm only had like 2-3 people! We lived like refugees next door! No hot water to shower, and for like 4-6 months at least without a washing machine! And yes, beds made from foam meant for sound insulation inside a cover sewn in the factory. Beds made from metal bars and sheets from the factory! All done by workers from the Island Factory! Even Managers from Singapore have to sleep on the floor w the workers!
Promises of a 'new vehicle' and 'executive apartments' for engineers are all said and forgotten. Lucky draw prizes like toasters and rice cookers with electrical plugs the do not fit the wall sockets on the Island! These things are useless! Last year, the workers attending the D&D protested cos they know the 'lucky draw' was rigged and some got things like INSTANT NOODLES!!! Is that LAME or is that LAME?? Some more, they have to make their own way to the 'Beach Party'! The cost of getting there on their bikes is worth more than the lousy prizes given out by the uberbaus! Lucky draw prizes of holidays and air ticket vouchers that the Uberbaus 'buys back' from the employee! All these are all a show.
I know the reason why the Uberbaus resorted to these measures for the D&D prizes. Two years ago, at the 1st D&D held after an absence of over ten years, the properly drawn first prize winner was a new employee! Yes! you guessed it right, she din stay long! and yes, he offered her $$ to part with the prize.
All the words that comes out from the mouth of all the Uberbauses MUST be taken with loads of DISCOUNT! At least 70% discount! Hey..!! it's the GSS again! Great time to organise the co D&D eh?
There are loads more that happened in the O3 Island that many ppl do not know of. but we'll leave those to next 'episode'! Sit Tight! haha!
haha this is the best episode of the month. I suggest for the next episode should be named: "The Temptation Island"
When u wrote of getting people sick from the mosquito bites and the food I thought you meant for THIS island at first.
Oh, well.
*SHOCKED!*. What a cheat! All a show... Luckily, my white light appeared in time for me not to experience his D&D.
Shortly after I joined 03, I was deployed to 'The Island' for a day by Uberbaus. It was part of a bigger project. I wasn't aware of the employees' bad living/working conditions at that point of time and I didn't get to see the dorms on that day. Uberbaus saw a photo of the dorm and he said that it was good enough for the project. The project was delivered and Uberbaus was really happy about it. Later, I realized that it was actually... an evil project... Guilt feeling came over me for having been part of it. Feels like a sin. Guess I'm stuck with it.
They call the project 03Island'sMainlandDotKom.
I call the project 'Trick the Mainlanders into Slavery on The Island' - an evil presence in cyberspace'. And I wish that it'd go down...
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