(For those born without silver spoons and had to struggle to work, dropping out of school may have been necessary, so I'm not in anyway talking about those who have financial hardships to deal with.)
Case in point would be the miniboss. You see, engineering students who study locally are forced to do the 4-year course for honours. We were also taking an average of 8 modules every semester. We were not allowed to do double majors but that's changing since the numerous protests. Things are slow to change though.
So, miniboss gets accepted into one of the top business and engineering schools in the ivy league to do a double major even though he had no extra-curricular activities during junior college. By that time, he was immersed in the O3 environment and getting away with things in the school because Uberbaus made friends in high places and donations to the school. Now, miniboss refuses to understand the enormous gift he has by getting into this ivy league school. He gets to do a double major with only about 5 to 6 modules every semester. Is that fair? Furthermore, he hardly attends lessons and isn't doing well for the examinations. He has placed O3 as top priority in his life simply because he assumes that O3 will survive. (that is probably true as long as the 3 bosses are there.) Silver spoon. Uberbaus will do anything for miniboss to succeed.
Another case I know is the son of a certain politician. Badly behaved in school and kept back one year for failing. Last I heard, he has a high paying job at a well-loved beer company. Silver spoon. His dad is highly influencial.
Yah, I think the silver spoon increases the odds of brat behaviour and not being grateful for the opportunities given to you and that you had taken away from other more deserving individuals.
I have it even better. I have a gold spoon.
Talking about a spoilt brat, I really have to admit that the Mini-Uberbaus is a bloody spoilt brat.
He gets his parents to buy him hundreds of dollars worth of books from Singapore and gets the staff to deliver the books to him. Why can't he go buy these books himself? Is he too 'High-Class' to buy his own books? I've brought shirts from his Mommy to him, and his Mommy asks another guy to go to this particular shop to buy him socks! What kinda spoilt brat is that spoilt that he can's even buy his own socks??? Does he need ppl to buy his underwear also? DOes his underwear need to have "I LOVE MOM" printed on the back?
I guess he made a list to his dad, saying he wants these books. The Uberbaus, thinking it'll save $$, gets someone to buy these books here cos it's cheaper?? Is it really? If he is too 'High Class' to go to the bookstore and buy the books, there's always Amazon.com! This way, can can max out his card without even stepping out of his room! or should I say, office!
The Minu-Uberbaus may be a clever boy.. yes.. I said BOY... but any clever kid who wants to stay clever needs to stay in skool to study... not skip lectures to go for this or that convention! After only 6 months, he has to drop Engineering from his Double Majors and he's almost suspended coz is GPA is too low! It'll be a miracle if he can get through his 2nd year, let alone graduate! I heard that the Uberbaus read somewhere that there was somone who started and completed a degree AND PhD in 5 years and he wants the mini-Uberbaus to do the same. I couldn't bring myself to tell the Uberbaus it'll never happen! Haha!
He is but the last prince of that company, the last emperor if ever, but the last...
Well the uberbaus has Started over again to target the R & D team. And threatens the employee if he tells to miniboss about the instructions then uberbaus will thrash him/her.
What a pity for the employees stuck between Uberbaus and mini uberbaus.
They are really the Addams Family! Or should I say AH-DUMB's Family! They do not communicate their instructions and it's no wonder there is conflicts. Mini-Uberbaus is a reflection of the Uberbaus himself!
We, who have been in the so-called R&D at the O3, have been through that 'tell mini-me and you'll get it from me' era!
Even their server is now down for good part of June... =)
hehehe yes their server is down from 28 may and not yet able to fix and everything has hit by that... and bloody my leave balance pay as well...
Oh boy, the server really is still down. I just checked. That is the funniest thing!!! Best the whole sales thing is going nuts. :P
haha its up its up! Just checked and website has came back online... =)
Yesterday on 10 was down whole day, just now is up again.
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