I'm already pissed over the taxi companies for wanting us to pay EXTRA cos they are changing to new cabs! not to mention the fact that they also want EXTRA for the Environment Friendly cabs they have! Come on man!, get real! If you want to go enviromental, do it at ur own cost! dun get consumers, who probably dun care about the environment, to pay for it! these are the things that service providers are SUPPOSED to do to improve our comfort! How come the cost of these is being flowed to us consumers! How come no one is doing anything about this? Or can anyone do anything about it?
This is not the end! Aparrently, they are gonna review increasing the fares for both buses and MRTs! like they are not earning enough from us consumers! With the new EZLink cards, they are getting commuters to pay the correct fare, with the occasional (or is it USUAL) technical glitch of overcharging them. Now they want to raise the fares again. I really hope this is not approved! Whenever there is an increase in charges, in whatever services that is provided, they will never come down. They try to justify the increase by the Gulf War, the high petrol prices and stuff. All these is to divert our attention away from the increase we have to pay, and before we know it, BAM! It hits us like a freight train!
What will we have to pay extra for next?
Well looks like another reason for me to work harder and smarter so that I can earn more to pay for these extras... There is nothing that I would be able to do about stopping these rate hikes so better focus on what I can control... =)
I love it when someone talks about working smarter. We should all do that like immediately. In fact, we should work smarter, harder forever. Isn't that what karoshi means?
Maybe instead of working smarter, I propose we live smarter. Spend less money, live simply, vote wiser, migrate.
It is all about the individual and the choices that he / she makes.. Some will live smarter as you mentioned or simply work harder.. Ultimately it is a choice each individual makes and no right or wrong or better... =)
I do not propose to anyone what to do with their lives and choices hence the use of I in my comment... I make my own choices and do not recommend how others live theirs.. =)
If they start charging Xtra for using NETS, ppl shd respond to that by all of them paying cash instead of using any damn card.
Definitely each individual has his/her own style of living and its up to them how they want to live.Everyone works harder,smarter but ppl have to spend money wisely that is more important i feel.
It is for your own good. Better pay the extra now or you will become maids in future.
Now I understand why they started showing commercials for NETS on tv.
They know they'll lose customers. they just want to lose less customers.
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