How do you sleep at night? Very well? Or do you lose sleep over the bad things you've done earlier in the day? Ever wondered how the Uberbaus-es sleep? This thought came as I was mopping the floor and thinking of Horlicks. I remember watching an advert in the UK about Horlicks. The advert has a bus driver driving a bus, and as he moves off the bus stop, there was this guy running after the bus. The driver sees the guy running after the bus, but he just does not stop the bus and keeps on driving, glancing at the rear-view mirror once in a while. The camera then shifts to his bedroom and him drinking a cuppa Horlicks just before he goes to bed. The next scene was his next day at work driving the bus and him driving off as another guy runs after his bus.!
Sometimes it makes me wonder how the Uberbaus-es sleep at night. I'm pretty sure he loses sleep over how his company is losing every day even though orders are coming in. But whether he loses sleep over all the nasty things he says and does to his employees, I don't think so. I guess he consoles himself by doing 'good deeds' and thinking that these 'good deeds' can redeem his soul enough for him to go to heaven. I don't think he does these 'good deeds' out of the goodness of his heart.
I remember once he asked me the question ' You think you can go Heaven is it?' What drove him to ask me that question, I don't know. I didn't answer him but I wanted to just tell him, 'Yeah, I'll go to Heaven, but I don't know about you tho'! '
And just for the record, I sleep very well every night. how about you?
You know there are those sleep learning tapes? They probably have one which goes "the ends justify the means... the ends justify the means". Its probably the same one Hitler listens to. To quote Aldous Huxley "62,400 repetitions makes 1 truth".
Maybe his conscience has a ULPA filter that removes all the bad stuff so he can sleep easy each night... Or maybe he really believes that what he is doing on a daily basis is the right thing and hence does not bother him at all... We will never know and neither would I bother to find out... =)
I've sold myself out to diablo and money. I sleep just fine...
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