There are really good people who were in O3 land. They were hardworking, bright, roadrunners who seemed to go to the ends of the earth for the company. I didn't understand it and I still don't but these wonderful people are true employees whom any company will be blessed to have as they are loyal too...and they ask for not much in return except a little respect.
There are the bad ones too. The type that abuse the good ones and everyone else. Of course, I am referring to the bosses at the O3. See, in O3, if you think that someone is not a good employee you must dig deeper. Chances are you will find that he/she was abused by the bosses in disrespectful and humiliating ways. Yes, there truely aren't many real bad people in O3 other than the bosses.
And we have the Ex. ME! I have joined the ever growing number of O3 Alumni people! Some have ganged up together to start their own business. Others sought better work elsewhere, but we all have a unique bond that is having been an O3-ber.
Congrats on your escape! :)
I am a geek, not a professional. I have been blessed with a memory that gives itself better to random access direct memory access than to a neat filing cabinet with multi-coloured labels.
Consequently, all my life, I have made attempts, some disastrously, to overcompensate for my innate lack of professionalism.
Embarking on my Dunkirk at O3 has not been easy. The Uberbaus is in denial. His dogged refusal to believe that the Blighty troops are retreating is almost charming, as is his new haircut.
However, his sudden, unexpected and usually aggressive expeditions into the chaotic world of dementia seem to be taking their toll on the newly christened Marcus Laborious. In a fit of desperation, clutching at straws to hang on to his sanity and to avoid being sucked into the whirlpool of total submission to the O3 bausen, Marcus verbally tendered his papers today.
Uberbaus went into instant damage control, not wanting to lose Marcus at this crucial juncture.
And that is how Marcus Laborious came to learn about the nature of Codependency.
Wow dude. Keep it coming man...i wonder if the Uberbaus has any hair left.
1-week (that's how long i lasted) comments: i have not paid as much attention to hair of uberbaus, just enough to note it is never combed and hardly washed. he keeps headlice at bay by constantly flicking his hair upwards and out, a fast, slick move which... TADA!!!... also doubles as his battle cry.
anyways, it is his face that fascinates me. IT IS EXTREME! EXTREME LAYERING! i realised the cause of this is the impact of sound waves traveling outwards from his mouth. come on, we all know sound travels best through solids. over time, the facescape grew to resemble a desertscape plagued with GiANt sANd dUNes.
it has not been determined but this expert declares that the wave movement may not be entirely beneficial to the retention of frontal hair forces.
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