I just wanted to say Happy Chinese New Year! Its the year of the PIG...better still, apprantly its the year of the GOLDEN PIG! Imagine that! I think it means great properity for everyone.
Will it be good news from the O3-bers who are still entrapped in the system? I will sniff out the clues and keep everyone posted here. In the mean time, enjoy the long weekend (i sure hope the accounts department are NOT going to be working this weekend like all their other weekends)! I for one, will be enjoying the sun, sand, and sea (!?!??!?!) in Thailand.
CHeers! and Happy Piggin' Out!
happy new year slaves and fellow prison breakers!!! :)
1-week says: happy holidays/lunar new year everyone!
1-week will like to be introduced as the ex-technical writer turned ex-marketing co-ordinator who lasted well 1-week.
1-week was also known by the following aliases given by uberbaus "stupid", "something wrong" and "something wrong with this (anything)". 1-week could also be summoned painfully by knocking on the glass partition separating uberbaus's office and what was the marketing department.
1-week has mixed feelings reading this blog but 1-week is mostly surprised to read about common views not voiced openly during 1-week's stint.
1-week can identify with 'payday mayday'. 1-week hopes anyone who knew of 1-week's existance will remind uberbaus to mail 1-week's 2-month-late cheque. thank you and gong xi fa cai to the kind soul.
1-week speculates on the print supplier's scandalous agenda w/the bitch in 'the bitch' and discloses the theory of uberbaus's facescape in 'the good, the bad and the ex'.
1-week relates with the 'you are wasting my time' post. 1-week resigned over a text message after the christmas holiday so LJ can apply for leave w/o catching uberbaus in a foul mood. 1-week received this reply from uberbaus 'No thank you. I will like you to know that you have not contributed anything to the company at all. You are useless.' or something similar to that effect.
1-week will like to say "I TOLD YOU SO!" :-D evidently someone (LJ) is not a very good judge of character at all. 1-week remembers distinctly warning someone about mini-boss's true colors prior to his return, and someone defended him royally and loyally. someone described mini-boss as "a nice guy" and "quite smart". 1-week read through several months of correspondence of mini-boss trying to get rid of 1-week's senior predecessor. 1-week thought mini-boss was a rude, ignorant, annoying, son of uberbaus but alas no one heeded 1-week.
1-week's funniest encounter in o3 was during the christmas lunch speech when mini-boss said something about 'caring about employees', 'gratitude (from him)' and 'working together' but apparently no one else thought it was funny.
I apparently agree with 1 week's view that mini-boss is a "bastard" himself, the same way he boldly declares the competition during the X-Mas lunch. Mini-boss is almost a splitting image of Uberbaus. Fortunately for myself, I will soon be accepting delivery of my car.
well obviously the mini boss isnt a human being...hes an ALIEN...so what can u expect from an ALIEN....
And to all O3 peaople... lets hope we keep getting news from there...
Hi 1-week!
Would you like to become an author on this blog instead? Your comment is nice and long and I think is better as a post. If you want, just let me know!
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