The mini-boss' style is to forge ahead. CHARGE!!!!!!!!!!!! Sell more! Earn more! Sell sell sell!!! Hire more staff! Sell more!!! Develop more products!!! Faster! More! Faster! More! (and yes, quality suffers.)
The Uberbaus on the other hand thinks the fast development will hurt the company and wants to slow down. So although he had initally supported the mini-boss' charge ahead, after about 2 years, he has decided that this is not the way to go. Why? The money goes out and where's the money coming in?
One boss wants to expand in China, the other in USA and everywhere else. In the mean time, the 3rd boss' view is focused on production. So...I foresee the mini-boss carrying on with his deal making and promising customers things he can't deliver. The Uberbaus will aggravate the situation by not hiring anymore help to meet the deadlines promised by mini-boss.
The O3 way: The bosses do not need to talk with each other. They talk through each other.
Uberbaus once said that mini-boss does not know a lot of things. Uberbaus does get credit for building up his business from scratch and I get the feeling that he might be wanting mini-boss to experience failure, the greatest teacher of all.
Ofcourse the Uberbaus would like to show he is correct and mini-boss is tooo fast and wrong choices. And in the middle the O3-bers will get stuck and Uberbaus says why u doing this.Most common quote from him.Moreover company should make profit more and more every year but employees should be wherever they are years after..
All in this mess Cost cutting measures to ensure the lowest manufacturing cost to make more and more profit....
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