Friday, February 23, 2007

The Evil Plan for International Dominance

Hi everyone, I just wanted to say thanks for all the wonderful support for this blog to date. I never really expected it to grow on its own but it has. So thanks!

Back to the blog.

This year, I believe the O3 bosses plan to initiate the plan for global dominance and suffering. I know for a fact that an new USA office and warehouse distribution center is opening on the east coast. Mind you, it is not cheap. (yes, our money out the window. Again.) The mini boss having taken leave from a semester of school will be heading all the expansions. Its good for him since traveling is like a hobby to him and its 'free' for him anyway.

The Uberbaus has visions of moving production and parts of R&D to China as well. Not sure if it is the right move since he first foray into China few years back flopped and lost money. So the Uberbaus and his family has been roaming the earth in search of suckers. Let us recount the
memory of Uberbaus saying that he doesn't want POWER to leave the HQ so no foreigners are allowed more responsibility. I find that quite amusing and wish I were a well-paid foreigner not allowed to do more.

Well, the miniboss has been begging ex-staff to return again. So far, the ex-staffs all find it funny that they are "welcome back to **** at any time". Surely, only a masochist like the Rat would sneak back as an O3-ber and employee.


Anonymous said...

Talking about 'World Dominance' reminds me of Pinky & The Brain from Animanics! But thiS time, it's Pinky, The Brain & The Bitch! Haha! Of cos the Brain will be the BB while the Bitch is, well.. The Bitch! Pinky is of cos Mini-Me. I can imagine Pinky asking Brain what they re going to do that night. Of cos, Brain's gonna say "The same thing we do every night. TRY AND TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!" HAHA!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure The Bitch in LJ's previous posting is different from The Bitch the blessed one is referring to (see my comment in The Bitch posting). Both bitches work very closely toward the 'world dominance' though, especially in China. And how do they do it? By yelling and screaming at our poor suppliers. =)

-Wizard of O3-

Anonymous said...

Oh.! My mistake! I mistoke the Bitch to be some other bitch. In that case, i retract that. It should be Mother Bitch in that case! Haha!

The Bitch should be known more as the Dumb Blond or The Bimbo as far as i'm concerned.