Monday, February 12, 2007

The Bitch

Guess who's The Bitch in the O3 Environment!

Yeah... I can't resist bitching about The Bitch.

Many moons ago... The Bitch goes "aiyo... have you sent me the specifications for sourcing this and that?" O ya. Right. The specifications have been sent to her like 3 times!

And every time, The Bitch will either mis-file it. (use the search function... DUH!) Or delete it accidentally. Or in the worst case scenario, complain to the O3 Biggest Boss that the R&D Team did not email her the specifications.

What a Bitch!

Sorry dudes, but no prizes for guessing who is The Bitch. LOL. If you still don't know, this is the HINT - the ONE who talks loudly in machine-gun high pitch voice to all of O3's suppliers, to squuueeeeze squueeeze and squeeze them of every single cent from their price offer. Yes, I know that's a Procurement Officer's job but you know, use some LOGIC and EMOTIONAL LEVERAGE in negotiations man... how is screaming over the phone going to help reduce the prices with a supplier??????? I just don't get it. It is not as if O3 is the only company that buys from the Supplier!!!!! Not to mention that the order quantity often ranges from MINISCULE to MICRO. (And free samples are BRUSQUELY DEMANDED). Absolutely No Tact. Zilch. None. Zero.

Orhh... I get it now... Screaming - in The Bitch's limited vocabulary - is considered as "Emotional Leverage in Negotiations"! What a Eureka Moment for me!

God Bless all suppliers who work with O3 (and with The Bitch as the Procurement Officer).

It is true in general - what LJ said - that O3 Environment has a lot of talents (thanks to Biggest Boss rigorous daily employee recruitment exercises! I bet he has interviewed 50% of all employment seekers in this country!)...

But once in a while, you do find a nasty one like The Bitch. Ye... and frankly, I have no complaints about any of the other my fellow ex-(O3)-colleagues except for... ye, you guess it right... The Bitch. LOL.

What a Bitchy Posting I have penned... Ugh...


Anonymous said...

welll it is obvious that BITCH can Scream.... welll so sorry that, BITCH cannot act as talking exist...

And moreover O3 employees need to chase the O3 company's own staff for months to get the components...


Anonymous said...

does the bitch have dyed, curly hair and a chinese accent? is the bitch who i think she is or is it there more than 1? *jaws theme song*

i wonder in my short 1-week stint as a technical writer then marketing co-ordinator how this rude, devious, sly but sweet-looking girl has the company's (free) print advisor by his tail. i supposed wrong that anyone of his age, in his position will have better things to do than be at the bitch's beck and call. she obviously makes use of you and tosses you away, she won't even take your merit into account when considering print suppliers.

surely he's got a WIIFM (whatsinnitforme) going on too...

any guesses?

Anonymous said...

Yeah... I remember my 'encounters' with the BITCH. I was a ex-O3 elite many moons ago.

The tactics that the BITCH uses on ppl are pretty well planned out. So beware!! If she knows that you are a Christian, she'll start telling you about things in the Bible and somehow make them related to the situation you are in. Kinda like trying to make u feel that it's your Christian duty to do this and that for the good of the O3 environment, and that if we don't do it, we're the most sinful people on planet earth!

Other times, she'll just scream at the top of her voice so much so that even if you are using the handset, it seems like it's on speaker phone!

I remember one time, I was on the MRT home when she called. I was probably at Bedok Station. U know how ur phone never works when you go through a tunnel? especially when you want it to work? This time, it worked when I was going through the tunnel from Bedok to Kemangan. It even worked from the time it entered the tunnel from Kallang all the way till Cityhall!! I could not believe it! That was a good 20 mins of ranting from her! Good thing I have free incoming! haha!

Anonymous said...

the blessed one must have confused the BITCH from the WITCH. The BITCH is a twenty-something old creature who likes to back-stabbed people like the RAT (I know bcos I used to work very closely with her). While the WITCH is the spouse of uberbaus who loves to micro-manage and call her staff anytime & anywhere, as if all O3-bers are supposed to be on 24 hours standby mode in order to satisfy her 'craving' for an answer.

btw, i really enjoy all the postings in this blog. Good job LJ!