Occassionally life in O3 returns back to normalcy. Sanity and happiness is allowed to reign in the office sporadically. For instance, it happened again recently when boss, boss and boss were all overseas and away. Away from the office. Their physically presence was not felt. A burden lifted from the shoulders of the beasts of burden in O3. The clouds cleared. Sun shone through. Smiles were a plenty and everyone looked forward to the end of the day.
Yes, the end of the day. That's when you usually go home. And during these times of peace, the employees can leave without fearing the boss, boss or boss calling them back into the office to perform last minute duties. The employees feel a peace and calmness at the end of the day. No stresses, just peace.
I am glad that there is at least a short reprieve from all the madness.. Enjoy it while you can! =)
True peace begins the day you leave O3
True PEACE is what is in your heart, and not based on your circumstances. When I was in the O3, I had peace like almost ALL THE TIME. It's the state of your heart that determines whether you have peace. If you do not have peace in your heart, it will show immediately when boss, boss and boss calls u into their office. You will wonder "What did I do wrong?" Whenever you have this thought, you'll panic when b, b & b calls u into their office. Why do you let urself be filled with fear of the B?
The thing is, once you have peace in your heart, u will not fear b, b & b calling u into their office. There will always be work to finish. Work will NEVER be completed. If work can be completed, we will b outta job! That's y there are things called NEW PROJECTS!
One good way to 'escape' being pulled into the b, b & b's office at knock off time is to wait for some ppl to go out 1st, let THEM be 'caught' then walk straight by the boss' FISH TANK, not turning your head any way and straight to the timecard m/c to punch out and then walk right out! It works also if you are on the phone talking to your gf or bf or anyone! or just fiddling w ur mobile.
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