More often than not, he deflects blame and embarassment from the miniboss by targeting the arrows, bullets, cannon balls, missile warheads and nuclear bombs onto the heads of the unsuspecting employees. You see, the miniboss likes to, no...., LOVES to BRAG and talk. In doing so, he tends to inadvertantly leak information about OEM projects and contracts that hurt the partners or clients. He usually conviniently forgets that he ever said such a thing.
Now, when the partner/ client complains and it gets to the ears of the Uberbaus, the Uberbaus automatically sends a homing signal and target to the nearest pantsy that he can find. The poor chap (s) are then treated to hours of scoldings, swearings, threats, etc. Poor fellas. I did once witness the mini-boss trying to tell the Uberbaus that he was the one who mentioned it, but the Uberbaus brushed it aside, twisted the argument and scolded us for not "saving" the situation???!?!??! haha....how nice is that?
Brings memories of the "Rules in O3"
Rule No. 1
Rule No. 2
If the Boss is wrong, refer to Rule No. 1
Some of the guys in the O3 will be able to remember these 'motivational' posters pasted at the back of the toilet door to 'psycho' male employees into obeying the boss. Not sure if these no called 'motivational' stickers are also pasted at the back of the toilet doors.
Talking about toilets, the Uberbaus has his personal cubicle in the toilet. The best thing is, when he's in the cubicle, he lifts up is feet so that ppl who come in and peek to see if he's in there will not see his shoes. I've heard stories from ex-O3-ers that they checked the cubicle when they went in to see that he's not there, then started toking about the Uberbaus. Seconds after they leave the toilet, one guy filling up his water bottle from the cooler outside the toilet actually saw the Uberbaus come outta the toilet! Hi jaw dropped immediately!
in that case, you should add -->
Rule No. 3:
Never bitch about Uberbaus in toilet (even if his cubicle seems empty)
talking about "never point blame at yourself", uberbaus is not the only person who is good at it. There are some O3-bers who are also brilliant in this aspect. I should say they have also mastered the highest level of "taiji" - the art of shifting blames. If anything goes wrong, these people would start pointing their fingers at others (this happen very often in O3 factory where everybody is "black belt" in taiji).
But never mind who's right or wrong, there are only 3 persons who are always right in O3 environment: uberbaus, spouse and miniboss. They are the "supreme" taiji masters, even Zhang SanFeng would feel inferior in front of them. hehe =)
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