1) Hire more "qualified" workers. First fire or let go the experienced and more expensive employees. Either make life impossible for them or threaten to deduct their wages for the smallest infractions. Then place an ad in the newspapers about how GREAT the company's O3 environment is. Its all in the wording. Interview as many potentials and hire the cheapest ones.
2) Save money in having to expand in terms of renting another building or office space. Make more office space by shrinking everyone's cubicle. Cram as many people as possible in the smallest confines. Cubicle size should not be larger than 4 ft long table.
3) If any rooms or areas are not utilized (other than some sapce for walking) it means that you can take back all the space, force the staff into half the area they need, and use that space for money MAKING purposes like warehousing stock and shipment.
4) Throw away as much "useless" items as possible. This includes all research and filed paper materials. They take up space and space equals money. Its all in the rent per sq foot and the wage per minute.
Follow the steps above and you'll have people working like sardines in a can for the price...of well, sardines in a can.
And as usual...the above is all true in the O3 environment I work in.
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