Take for example the happenings in today's O3 envinronment. Boss was happy one moment and mad the next. Happy times were with his family and he even gave pay increases to confirmed staff that day. Angry...now angry is baring his pearly white teeth.
Boss got mad. Boss began the rampage of shouting and screaming. Louder than normal. One person got fired. No two. Another one resigned on the spot. A fourth fawn got caught in the crossfire and dragged into the war zone. Boss fought and hit hard. He yelled more and hit more. "It hurts!" she cried. "Yes it should!" he replied. And on it went. She left the building in a hurry and saw a doctor. Perhaps even the police thereafter.
*pause. sounds fake? like a fairy tale? The above is true.*
Well, for the ones that got fired, their jobs fell on those left behind and even had to go to poor souls in other departments who had no idea what to do with it. Everyone is frustrated and disgusted. How can we raise morale? I say the solution is obvious. Replace the boss.
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