Its not as if he is a collector. The big big boss just goes out and buys a few and stashes them somewhere in the drawer of his desk. He then dishes them out to employees whom he thinks are cry babies. He told me that once before and I know of at least 4 people who have gotten the pacifier from him.
What an insulting man. His MO is to scold and upset the target. The target then either fights back and gets more upset or starts tearing. Once that happens, the big big boss will mentally lable the individual a crybaby and offer the pacifier if its in stock. If its not in stock, he will get someone to buy more then offer the pacifier on another day.
Oh, usually when he gives the pacifier, he smiles. What a bully.
Isn't there some sort of policy re:workplace harassment/bullying?
Tough. At least 2 people have filed complaints against the big big boss for hitting them already. But he is still around. Makes you doubt the law eh? So much for protecting the workforce.
The big boss can manhandle people?! Why isn't anyone reporting this to th newspapers?! Filing complaints not good enough! They should go to court! I hope they went straight to the A&E department or had photographs taken of the bruises.
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