Wednesday, January 24, 2007

LJ's Half Day

I decided to take half day off today. Wow, it feels good! In fact, I couldn't stop smiling all morning knowing that I have just a few hours to temporary freedom and just a few days to permanent ones.

Anyway, the big big boss isn't happy with me that's for sure. He does not talk to me (again) and for good reason too. But he expressed disaapointment cordering on being upset at the fact that I voiced my reasons at him the day before. DUH. He kept asking so if I gave him the honest answers and he doesn't like it, its his fault. Not that he'd remember any of that.

So today's blog is here earlier than most days cos i'm at home. *yawn* Until tomorrow....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hoi... there are still people who are waiting for parole...

Today boss was "well behaved" smiling and giving people chocolates to eat. Freaky... I think it stems from the fact that he felt bad about wrongly blowing his top yesterday at my colleague who was back stabbed by the bloody rat. The rat is digging his own rat hole.