Recently I met a very nice filipino lady who was sucked into earning peanuts for an O3 company. I didn't know it was O3 type until she started to describe the torture she was enduring:
1. Verbal abuse from the big bosses.
2. Grossly underpaid (less than 1k a month!!!)
3. Grossly overworked (doing about 7 peoples job!!!)
4. Forced to work OT until work is done, without extra pay.
5. Denied medical leave when sick. (this is bordering on inhumane!)
This is just the tip of the iceberg for the work she is doing. Come on now...we all know temp and part-timers who are earning more while working less right?
The good news is that she found another job. (woohoo!) And the funny thing is that her soon-to-be-ex boss actually asked her what about the company? How are things going to be done?
I never fail to find it humourous when such awful O3 type bosses EXPECT loyalty out of the "slaves" they have. This isn't the kidnapper's syndrome you know, where the NICE captor gains respect and loyalty from the captive. But again, the captor is NICE. NICE! O3 dudes, do you even understand the concept of fairness and niceness to all???